Presentación de un caso clínico: una mirada novedosa e integradora desde el enfoque de tramas familiares
Tramas familiares (Adriana Leto, Monica Nigro) Buenos aires, Argentina Abstract "Tramas Familiares es un enfoque, un método psicoterapéutico , síntesis de tres líneas teóricas: la Gestalt relacional, la Ecosistémica y la Transgeneracional. Hemos visto en la clínica, que los vínculos emocionales conforman una trama o una red familiar; todos somos parte de esta red y […]
Neurodivergencia: No son enfermedades, ¡Son superpoderes!
Guilermo Leone Buenos aires, Argentina Abstract Personas Altamente Sensibles, TDAH, Espectro Autista ver sus talentos en lugar de sus déficits. Presenter Bio Guillermo Leone, Argentino, nacido en 1961, psicólogo clínico formado en Gestalt (AGBA) en Constelaciones Familiares (CLCF) pensamiento complejo y profesor de post grado en diversos institutos de Gestalt en Argentina (AGBA, IGec, Gestalt […]
What about…
type (workshop/ popup/ process) Popup session language English, Spanish, Portuguese, Russian, Italian
Just another human being-The metapmorphosis of the psychotherapist
Radmila Zivanovic Skopje, North Macedonia Abstract In this session of exploration, I will invite you into exploration of the lived and still alive experience of being psychotherapist while being just an another human being. We are going to explore the ongoing change and development but also the moments of stagnation, withdrawal and giving up. Holding […]
В движении: миграция как процесс контакта
В движении: миграция как процесс контакта Мы хотим провести круглый стол по вопросам эмиграции и переселения. Мы поговорим друг с другом об эмиграции как о контакте с потерянным домом и с новым местом, куда мы приезжаем. Мы хотели бы, чтобы дискуссия была открытой и мы могли свободно обсуждать с участниками наш опыт эмиграции - делиться, […]
The Painful Legacies of Race and Class: Exploring the Impact of White Supremacy and Anti-Blackness on Contact and Intimacy
Jennifer Jones & Alison Gerig Philadelphia, United States Abstract Very few countries throughout the globe have escaped the impacts of imperialism, colonization, genocides, and slave trades. These historical and current experiences of supremacy, dominance and oppression create in many people legacies of dehumanization and disconnection. These internalized, often out-of-awareness fixed gestalts of race, class, and […]
Storie di nascita
Federica Ronchi Faenza, Italy Dialogo aperto sulle storie di nascita: c'è una correlazione tra il modo in cui veniamo al mondo e il processo di fare esperienza del mondo? Presenter Bio Sono una Gestalt Therapist italiana, molto interessata al tema della nascita e della maternità. L'arteterapia è uno dei miei principali obiettivi professionali, che porto […]
Open play and POP UP sessions
ALL are welcome to these open meetings in any language. Play- just being together in contact. Pop up- if you did not offer to host a workshop, here you can share/propose your topic of interest and the group can arrange in breakout rooms with different hosts to explore the emergent figures. language English + all […]
Decolonizing Gestalt *NEW DATE*
“The truth is, no one of us can be free until everybody is free.” - Maya Angelou Colonialism is not an event of the past – it is a living modern system of suppression by dominant Western Euro-American paradigms that preserve colonial demarcations of power and privilege proliferated through dimensions of power, institutions, and […]
Neurodivergency: They are not mental diseases, they are human upgrades!
Guillermo Leone Buenos Aires, Argentina Abstract High sensitive persons, ADDH; Autism spectrum... focus in the talents instead of the deficits. language English
Being playful with Gestalt Resistances: mapping them on the Cycle and extending them to organisations
Chantelle Wyley Johannesburg, South Africa Presenter Bio Chantelle Wyley is a South African with a background in anti-apartheid work; with an organization development practice supporting transformation in African government and development systems. She is a graduate of the Gestalt International Organization and System Development (IOSD) and Cape Cod Model Training Programs. She is a Professional […]
Closing Gestalts
Abstract Feedback, metaprocessing, reflections and thanks language English+ all Zoom ID A: ID de reunión: 856 7552 5658Código de acceso: Open24 In case you have an error with the first zoom meeting, use Zoom ID B: ID de reunión: 885 2885 1454Código de acceso: Open2024